About Us

We Are Plastic Free Future of Pakistan!

Plastic Free Pakistan was started by the Plasticfree.pk Foundation and Environment protection department Govt. of Punjab Pakistan  with the goal of encouraging individuals to eliminate their use of single-use plastics. Plastic Free Pakistan conducting scientific research, providing resources on eliminating single-use plastics, and advocating for a plastic-free future. The challenge has inspired people to take action around the country. 

To celebrate Plastic Free July, we are featuring businesses in our network that are fighting plastic pollution. These businesses are taking action by converting their advertisement campaigns on eco-friendly bags to stop the use of plastic bags  ,  Now more than ever, it is crucial that we take action to end plastic pollution.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

4800 +
Eco-bags distributed


Bring systemic change through a holistic approach tackling plastic pollution across the whole plastics value chain, focusing on prevention rather than cure, and providing effective solutions.


  • Sustainable Lifestyles

    Our lifestyles and economy fit within the environmental limits of the planet.

  • Responsible Material Lifecycles

    The life cycle of the materials and products we use – from extraction and production, to end use, recycling, composting, and disposal – sustain the health of the people and the planet.

  • Waste Workers And Systems

    Waste pickers and recycling workers are supported to improve the systems they operate in and can co-lead a just transition to a new and safe materials economy.

  • Reduce And Reuse And Reuse Again

    Where plastic products and packages are necessary, they are re-used, repaired, or, failing that, recycled; and toxic substances are eliminated from their production.

  • Organic Waste

    Organic waste returns to the soils and zero waste systems reduce reliance on landfills and incinerators.

  • Reduce Waste

    Waste is reduced, first and foremost.

  • Community Action & Partnerships

    Strong community action and partnerships among citizens, workers, government, sector experts, and supportive business leaders guide decisions about present and future material design, manufacturing, and waste management.

  • Responsible Production

    Producers take responsibility for the full life cycle costs and impacts of their products and packaging, and are redesigning and innovating better materials and systems.

  • “Waste To Energy” Isn’t The Solution

    No new incinerators are constructed, and renewable energy incentives are eliminated for plastics and waste burning. This includes gasification, pyrolysis, cement kilns, and other burn “waste-to-energy” facilities.

  • Slow Climate Change

    The systems we build and materials we use slow climate change, rather than accelerate it.

Who We Are

Mr. Mohsin Bajwa


Founder & CEO

Bao Muhammad Rizwan


Minister of Environment Protection

Zartaj Gul


Minister of Climate Change

Zahid Hussain


Secretary of Environment Protection 

Waqas Ashraf


Founder & CEO Paperbags.pk