
Join To Make Plastic Free Pakistan!

We have taken the initiative to replace single-use plastic bags with eco-friendly bags by bringing innovation in advertisements and make them beneficial for everyone.


Replace Plastic bags with eco-friendly bags


Reduce the use of plastic bags!


Maximum re-use of your bags!


Recycle all plastic goods to re-use!

We are implementing 4-R Model instead of 3-R

Join Us By Contributing Eco-Friendly Bags

Paper Bags

Paper bags are gaining importance as these bags are 100% reusable, recyclable and biodegradable and at the same time environment friendly and pose less threat to wildlife. it requires less energy for paper bags to be recycled than plastic bags.

Non-Woven Fabric

Non-woven fabric is crafted without knitting or weaving, but instead through a heat or chemical process, making it more affordable. Also, they compress into a smaller size and are ideal for grocery shopping use. Therefore, you’ll gain valuable visibility of your brand at a low cost to you.

Cotton Bags

Cotton is a popular material for reusable shopping bags since it’s durable and soft. It’s one of the several reusable bag types that you can wash, which means a mishap or spill during a grocery shopping trip won’t ruin your branding. Various non-profits and companies choose custom wholesale cotton bags for their branding.

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And be our official partner to make Plastic Free Pakistan.

Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned

Plastic bags are everywhere in our environment. When we go to purchase our groceries, we use plastic bags because they are convenient. In fact, in our modern lives, it has become part of us. However, the convenience of these plastic bags come at a very high cost to the environment and negatively affects human health. 

Several cities globally have begun banning the use of plastic bags, while some have enforced restricted laws against the use of plastic bags because of the negative effects of their usage. Besides, the use of plastic bags is considered as one of the great issues that humans are facing in their contemporary life. Cities such as China have banned the use of plastics. Bangladesh and India have only banned the use and sale of polythene bags, which basically have a thickness of fewer than 50 microns.

Improving Plastics Management

Plastic waste is one of the major pollutants of the solid waste throughout the world. The slow degradation rate of plastic waste results in death of billions of living organisms in marine and terrestrial environments. To dispose the plastic waste, various people around the globe tried to degrade or convert the plastic waste into usable form by using different methods. Incineration involves burning of plastic waste which leads to the production of toxic gases. Recycling is another method in which the plastic waste is converted into other usable forms of the plastic. But in this method, the energy is being consumed, and the plastic remains as it is although it is converted into other forms. Landfilling is one of the methods of plastic disposal where the plastic degradation is not carried out as per expectations as there is no sufficient oxygen to break down the plastic by microbes. Construction of roads by mixing plastic with bitumen and generation of petrol from the plastic are possibly better methods to utilize the plastic waste. Among all these methods, biodegradation method is considered as the most eco-friendly and cost-effective method of plastic degradation.

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